Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Star Comments

When I first started reading this story I was confused. I hadn't realized that the characters were away from our solar system and had traveled to another solar system filled with different societies. I thought that the only life forms were that of humans from Earth. But the thing that got me thinking was that the narrator was always questioning God. He believed in God at first, but throughout the story his faith becomes less and less. How can you question God when everything you are doing goes against his laws. You can't go from solar system to solar system with a space ship. God made it to where that was impossible to accomplish. You can't breathe anywhere else besides Earth. All the laws that God created have been broken so I just don't see how you can question a God that pretty much doesn't exist if all these things are possible. However, all this depends on whether or not you believe in a God in the first place.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hitchhikers Guide

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy so far has been a great book so far. I like that it uses Earth as a setting and that Earth is not the only planet in the galaxy. Humans are not the only life from in this world, but it seems much more realistic than many science fiction stories. Arthur Dent is a human and the government is trying to bulldoze his house to build a bypass in that spot. Mr. Prosser a man who works for the government is the guy trying to bulldoze Arthurs' house, but Arthur keeps laying down in front of his house and they wont bulldoze it if he's laying there. Ford Prefect an alien and close friend of Arthurs has lived on earth for about 15 years. Ford has heard some news that earth is going to be removed from the galaxy so they can make a bypass. It's ironic that Dent's house and earth are going to be removed, and that both Dent and Earth complained about hearing no noise of such plans, but both have been posted at City Hall and in the galaxy.