Thursday, April 26, 2007

Star Wars

While watching Star Wars obviously the first thing that stands out is good vs. evil. But another theme that stand out is father vs. son. At first he wanted to kill him, now he knows that it is his son, so he wants to convert him. Another thing I like about Star Wars is the realistic characteristics of the whole movie. The space ships are realistic and can have technical malfunctions and problems. It relates more to real life in that sense.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hitchhikers Summary "Freytags Triangle"

Freytags triangle is a generic system that most stories go by to tell the story line. It starts with an introduction of the characters. There is the rising action which leads to the climax of the story. Then following the climax is the falling action leading to the final resoultion. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy follows this same plot line. At the beginning it introduces the characters just like Freytags implies. Then the rising action is when Ford Prefect tells Arthur
Dent that the earth is going to be destroyed to make way for a galactic bypass. The rising action is when Ford and Arthur fall into space and they have 30 seconds to live and the President Zaphod Beeblebrox's spaceship picks them up within that 30 seconds. The climax of the stoy is when Trillian (Trisha) gets held hostage. When Arthur, Ford, and Beeblebrox go rescue her is the falling action. The final resolution is when earth is being remade and Arthur gets his house back. Marvin shoots the Vogons with the point of view gun and they get sad and depressed. Then the movie has a happy ending and earth is restored back to the way that it was before.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Conflicts in Hitchhikers

There are many conflicts in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. A couple of them are man vs. self when Arthur Dent has to decide to leave Earth with Ford Prefect because the galaxy is going to destroy earth. Another conflict is man vs. man at the begining when Arthur and Mr. Prosser are arguing about bulldozing Arthur's house.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Hitchhiker's Guide "Faith"

In Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy faith occurs quite often. It is simple faith, but faith none the less. Arthur Dent has faith that the government will bulldoze his house if he's not laying there to stop them. When Dent finds out from Ford Prefect that the galaxy is going to destroy earth to create way for a bypass he believes him. Dent has faith that what Prefect is telling him is true. However, he wishes that it was not true. Faith doesn't take the roll of religion in this story; faith takes on its literal definition in all things. I know that when people think of faith they automatically refer to faith in religion, but that is not what is happening in this story. Dent has faith the the earth is going to be destroyed and he has to do everything in his will power to get away earth and find a new place to live. He has faith that his friend Prefect is going to be there for him through everything and that they can get through anything. He has faith Prefect wont abandone him. Dent shows alot of faith throughout the book.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Star Discussion

I agree with the discussion we had about the story Star in the sense that the main problem was the relationship between science and religion or science and faith. I do not believe that you can agree with both science and religion. I say that you can't because to believe in religion involves having a strong faith for what you believe in. If you believe in science that means that your faith is broken and you can't scientifically explain religion without the thought of faith. Most religions are based around having faith in something.