Monday, April 2, 2007

Hitchhiker's Guide "Faith"

In Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy faith occurs quite often. It is simple faith, but faith none the less. Arthur Dent has faith that the government will bulldoze his house if he's not laying there to stop them. When Dent finds out from Ford Prefect that the galaxy is going to destroy earth to create way for a bypass he believes him. Dent has faith that what Prefect is telling him is true. However, he wishes that it was not true. Faith doesn't take the roll of religion in this story; faith takes on its literal definition in all things. I know that when people think of faith they automatically refer to faith in religion, but that is not what is happening in this story. Dent has faith the the earth is going to be destroyed and he has to do everything in his will power to get away earth and find a new place to live. He has faith that his friend Prefect is going to be there for him through everything and that they can get through anything. He has faith Prefect wont abandone him. Dent shows alot of faith throughout the book.


Travis said...

I disagree on the fact that people look at religion when they hear the word faith. Faith can be the total opposite of religion and in this case it is. I think people see faith as more as a belief. If they have faith in something then they believe in that thing. Such as Authur believing Ford when he said that the world is going to end. Their faith lies in their hands not by someone who tells them what to believe in. Good blog though.

Travis said...

I disagree on the fact that people look at religion when they hear the word faith. Faith can be the total opposite of religion and in this case it is. I think people see faith as more as a belief. If they have faith in something then they believe in that thing. Such as, Arthur believing Ford when he said that the world is going to end. Their faith lies in their hands not by someone who tells them what to believe in. Good blog though.

Brian said...

I beleive in science being different from faith not them being mutual. Faith is something you believe without proving it, eventhough science also cannot be proven science has theorie's. there is no way to scientifically prove that Jesus was on earth but we have faith he was at one time.
good blog

Cason said...

I disagree, I think that faith comes with religion. The majority of people when they hear faith, they hear religion. Thats just my personal opinion.